I Am Patrick: The Patron Saint of Ireland.

Frequently Asked Question

How can I get a refund for my movie ticket?

Please check your movie ticket, receipt or bank / credit card statement to see who the charge originated from, and then contact the company from there. If you purchased your ticket online, the emailed receipt and/or ticket will also tell you who you purchased through and how to contact customer service.

The customer service numbers for the major ticketing sites are listed below:

ATOM TICKETS – 844-838-6284
REGAL – 888-462-7342
FANDANGO – 800-326-3264
CINEMARK – 800-246-3627
AMC THEATRES – 888-562-4262

If you require additional assistance, you can also contact Fathom Events customer service team at [email protected] or 855-473-4612 (Mon-Fri from 9am-5pm MDT).